Saturday, June 18, 2005

They're Gonna Take a Little Break and They'll Be Back After a While...

After the good news, I'm off for a week at the North Carolina coast to recharge the batteries and get ready for the writing ahead. No blogging for a bit, but I'll see you all in a week or so.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Have You Heard the News, It's All Over Town

St. Martin's/Minotaur and I have reached an agreement for them to publish my third Jack Keller novel, probably sometime in 2007.

The paperback of the first one, The Devil's Right Hand, is coming out in January, and book 2, Good Day in Hell, will be out in hardcover in March.

I'll be working with the same great editor, Ben Sevier, so I'm happy.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Monday, June 13, 2005

Progress Report

The copyediting of Good Day in Hell is done, at least for now. My style is, apparently, somewhat eccentric to your average copyeditor, so it was a lot of work putting back in the little stylistic touches that had been stripped out: the flashbacks rendered in italics, shouting rendered as ALL CAPS rather than italics(a holdover from all those nights on the Internets, I guess).
I keep thinking back to the books I've read by sci-fi writer Alfred Bester, who liked to use words to literally draw pictures on the page (check out the telepath cocktail party scene in The Demolished Man for example). Now, I keep thinking, "Man, Bester must have given his copyeditor fits."