Monday, July 31, 2006

Here's What I Don't Get

When I first heard that Mel Gibson had started an anti-semitic tirade during his recent DWI arrest, I have to admit I was a little skeptical.

It seemed just a little too convenient that, after the whole "Is Passion of the Christ anti-semitic?" brouhaha from last year, Mel would start raging against Jews in public, including yelling about how "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world."

But after it was confirmed by the L.A. County Sheriff's Department, I guess it's true.

But here's what I don't get: how the hell does this subject even come up during a traffic stop?

I mean, it's just such a non sequitir. It's as if when a cop approached me after pulling me for speeding, I started talking about "you know, officer, religion is the opiate of the masses...."

"That's nice, sir, now I need your license and registration..."

I mean, after a few drinks, I ain't exactly linear in my thinking, but that's just bizarre.


Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

Frankenstein never scared me.

Anonymous said...

I must admit I thought exactly the same thing: this is something that someone made up. The words attributed to him seemed to magically confirm every bad thing his critics said about him.

The truly sad thing is, it was completely true.

Anonymous said...

The man is an admitted alcoholic. What he said is reprehensible and sad and inexcusable. But he has obviously lost the handle on his disease and needs to get back into therapy or AA. I'm not a fan of his, but I hope he gets (obviously) needed help.


Stephen Blackmoore said...

What's worse is that the LA Sheriff's Department tried to cover the whole thing up. Made the deputy rewrite the report, but then word got out, and it's looking like they even have a videotape of him.

It gets better, though. It's looking like this is the third time this has happened to Mr. Gibson. The other two times he was let go, too.

Ah, I love me the celebrities.

Richard Cooper said...

Drunks say the darndest things! Maybe he's trying to drink the 700 million dollars he has in the bank.

Anonymous said...

Of the various times I've been pulled over for speeding, and swerving, and flashing my brights on and off in a strobelight-like fashion at 2:30am, I'll often wait until the officer makes it to my window, then I'll nod toward the 15 year old Czech prostitute in the passenger seat with the eightball stuffed in her (or his) undergarments and I'll say to the officer, "Freemasons, you unnerstan'. Freemasons." My companion and I will then tap the sides of our noses knowingly.
I think Mel was just attempting a similar tactic. If it works just once, you know. . .

Sandra Scoppettone said...

"I mean, after a few drinks, I ain't exactly linear in my thinking, but that's just bizarre."

After a few drinks is very different from someone who has the disease of alcoholism. The subject came up because in his drunkeness Gibson brought it up. Believe me, it doesn't take much when you're an alcoholic.

David Terrenoire said...

"Jews... They're still whining abut WW2 ( Which was tragic_ but that was 50 years ago.)"

Now here's the perfect example of the dumbing down of America.

And what's all this stuff about Jesus? Christians are still whining about the crucifixion (which was tragic - but that was 2000 years ago.)

JD Rhoades said...

I agree with gdsnide, if he had said "rednecks" would we be blogging about it right now?

I would.


Don't recall ever being on it. Just making an observatin about how strange the whole thing is.

Seems to me that the cross in his movie is not the only crucifixion going on here!

Mel Gibson died for your sins!

Anonymous said...

Oh brother! Mel Gibson is just as human as the rest of us. Who on this earth doesn't regret saying things (or doing things for that matter) when they are drunk? I'll still go see his movies and I hope he gets back on the road to recovery.