Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kat is Korrect

Kat Richardson, author of Greywalker, Poltergeist, and Underground, tells us why we should Never Give Up! Never Surrender!

What I love most about it (other than the fact it was written by one of my favorite people) is that it's not just pep talk. Kat provides some cold hard facts n' figures to prove that there really is hope even in this publishing environment.

Thanks, Kat. That came at a good time. 


  1. I heart Kat in many ways, she's one of our shop's favorites (and yeah, I know bookstores aren't supposed to have favorite authors, but we do, you know we do), and part of the reason we love her so much is that she's so smart, so articulate, and so with-it.

    And funny. Gotta love funny.

    This time, she's absolutely right. If authors stop writing now, all they'll have is regret. And we won't have good books to sell.

  2. Dusty, I love you. Thanks for the link.

  3. Greta post. After the late-2008 handwringing in blogs and web sites everywhere, it's nice to see 09 has brought out some more even handed opinions. As Delbert McClinton says, don't nothing last forever, whether it's good or bad. When things are bad, it's time to look how to catch the uptick. When things are good, be alert for warning signs.

    I'll send Kat some love on her blog, too.

  4. What is this 2009 stimulus program all about?

    This Obama ... I'm starting to wonder.
