Sunday, May 04, 2008

Okay, Let's Try It...

The first attempt at podcasting is here! Let me know how it works. This is me reading the first chapter of BREAKING COVER, suggested by Hellion Cheryl Malaguti, who wins a copy of Julia Spencer Fleming's I SHALL NOT WANT. Congratulations!

Link to it here.


Bill Cameron said...

Very nicely done, Hell Master!

Cheryl Malaguti said...

Ha, you only love me 'cuz I won't cost postage!

But seriously, thanks! I'm looking forward to listening after the small eternity it's taking to download. I truly enjoy hearing authors read from their work; it adds another dimension to everything I read of theirs afterward.

Randy Johnson said...

Sounds good. Now I'm really looking forward to BC. That little tidbit made a nice appetizer. Now I'm ready for the full meal.

Neil said...

Bravo. That was some good Southern-fried crispy storytelling there. More soon?

Stacey Cochran said...

That's really good, Dusty.