Media Matters :
On the October 15 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bob Grant said: "[W]hat is that flag that Obama's been standing in front of that looks like an American flag, but instead of having the field of 50 stars representing the 50 states, there's a circle?" He then said: "Is the circle the 'O' for Obama? Is that what it is?" Grant later said: "[D]id you notice Obama is not content with just having several American flags, plain old American flags with the 50 states represented by 50 stars? He has the 'O' flag. And that's what that 'O' is. That's what that 'O' is. Just like he did with the plane he was using. He had the flag painted over, and the 'O' for Obama. Now, these are symptom -- these things are symptomatic of a person who would like to be a potentate -- a dictator." '
The flag in question is the State flag of Ohio.
The ineptitude of these wingnuts is really getting comical.
Technically a pennant. Ohio is the only state with a pennant rather than a flag. Which doesn't excuse abysmal ignorance . . .
Bob Grant, meet William of Ockham.
Let's see: there's an unfamiliar flag on stage at a campaign event in (State). The explanation which requires the fewest assumptions is that it's the state flag of (State) - and it's one that can be easily checked by using the Google, even if you're not sure which state the event is in.
But David, how are they supposed to get all indignant if they were to do that?
Holy shit, that's funny. The sad part is that some of his listeners are going to tell their friends about "the O flag," and it will be believed and passed on like the other lies. My in-laws refuse to accept the fact that Obama is not and never has been a muslim. They get the crazy e-mails, swallow every word and then forward the fucking things.
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