Thursday, February 19, 2009


Looks like Caribou Barbie owes some back taxes of her own.

Like I've been saying, it could happen to anybody. Not that that makes any difference to the wingnuts still yapping about Daschle and Geithner. I'd like to think this would shut them up, but some people are impervious to irony.


  1. Would someone pleeeeaaaasssssseeeeee make this woman GO. AWAY!

  2. But why isn't it ever the guy on the assembly line at Ford who doesn't pay his taxes?

  3. Well you know, there's a perfectly rational explanation for this. I'm sure we'll hear what it is soon in the "liberal press." After all, as you always say, "IOKIYAR".

  4. It can happy to anyone. I just hope it does not happen to me.

  5. The texes don't interest me. I'm appalled by someone--anyone--who has the chutzpah to charge the taxpayers of her state to stay in her own home.

    And it's Tina Fey who's hot.

  6. How about being appalled at footing the bill for millionaires?

    Orrrrrrr selling white house furniture?

    Tina's okay ... but you don't see Larry Flynt putting up coin to make a porn parody of Tina Fey.

  7. How about being appalled at footing the bill for millionaires?

    I was appalled at that, too. I am capable of being multiply appalled.

  8. JD wrote: "I am capable of being multiply appalled."

    I missed those posts (when you were appalled at something other than Republicans). In fact, this blog was starting to read like a series of Keith Olbermann rants.

    Dare I say it, you seem happy at Republican angst.

    I don't doubt you were appalled, though ... good for you.

    But feel free to mention (once in a while) how badly the party of the people just stuck it to the people and in ways beyond comprehension (see the bill they signed last week ... the one they didn't bother to read beyond the perks they gave themselves/districts, etc.) ... the one they didn't let the public see for more than a dozen or so hours (if their public had a computer and access to the document).

    And come on, you gotta admit, Sarah's hot ...

  9. Gee, Charlie, maybe you should have been paying better attention to my posts on the Wall Street Bailout, or my column on Daschle.

    And please see about getting some new material. That "you sound like Keith Olbermann" dig is as stale as last week's Krispy Kremes.

  10. Come on Rhoades, Charlie is right, you play it one way.

    I hope this "green-ness" we see in Obama doesn't ruin this country for years to come.


  11. Keith ... I mean, JD ... what I want to know is do you perform subtle (but dramatic) turns to the left and right before you attack the keyboard (and the Reps)?

    And you never said ... about Sarah ... hot or not?

    Be honest now ...

  12. You would hit the woman or the keyboard? Tough guy....

  13. Poor Joseph. So far behind the curve when it comes to that funky street talk all the cool kids are using.

  14. I hope this "green-ness" we see in Obama doesn't ruin this country for years to come.

    Your Dear Leader already took care of that. Now Obama and the Democrats are trying to dig us out. Unlike you and your kind, I hope he succeeds.
