Ain't It Cool News:

Universal has set July 1, 2011, for the release of "Battleship," confirming Peter Berg as helmer of the live-action pic based on Hasbro's naval combat board game.
Berg called the pic "a contemporary story of an international five-ship fleet engaged in a very dynamic, violent and intense battle" -- but he would not disclose any details about the enemy force.
The film will be the next directorial assignment for Berg, who last helmed "Hancock."
Okay, it made at least some sense to make a movie out of "Clue," because after all, it was a mystery. But "Battleship"? What's next? "Yahtzee?" "Sorry?" "Chutes and Ladders?"

Asteroids. Seriously.
Personally, I'm holding out for 'Minesweeper' and 'Spider Solitaire'... :)
A movie based on a board game that I remember playing with pencil and paper. I think they're starting to scrape through the bottom of the barrel.
My vote is for "Chutes and Ladders", only because "Candyland" would have too much sex and violence.
What's next? This:
In a world ripped apart by war, where nations rise and fall on the fall of a die. This summer, take a ride into the dark underworld of...
...wading through the "movie slush pile"
Uncle Wiggly gets my green light.
Spawn of Fashan: The Movie
Personally, I'm holding out for 'Minesweeper' and 'Spider Solitaire'... :)
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