ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- A helicopter is not necessarily a match for an angry moose.
Instead of slowing down after being shot with a tranquilizer dart, a moose charged a hovering helicopter used by a wildlife biologist, damaging the aircraft's tail rotor and forcing it to the ground.
Neither the pilot nor the biologist was injured, but the moose was maimed by the spinning rotor and had to be euthanized, wildlife officials said.
On the one hand, you have a dart. On the other hand, you have the momentum of 1500 pounds of pissed-off moose flesh. I know which one I'd bet on.
Note to helicopter pilots: Hover higher.
"I think far too little attention is being paid to the ever-present threat of a suicide moosing."
I've been saying that for years. Now it's finally coming to a head.
Those Fundamentalist Islamoosicsts have no regard for human life.
Moose. It's what's for dinner.
At least they weren't bitten by the møøse. Møøse bites can be pritti nasti...
Let's see...I've totalled one car crashing into a moose and twice been chased by a moose (once on foot and once while driving a tractor). I ain't what you'd call a big fan of the moose.
On the other hand, moose meat is pretty damn tasty.
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