Bachmann: Swine Flu Happens Under Dem Presidents | TPMDC
"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out then under another Democrat president Jimmy Carter," said Bachmann. "And I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence."
As the Minneapolis/St. Paul City Pages points out, Bachmann has the 1970s flu outbreak all wrong. It happened in 1976 when Gerald Ford was in office.
Dear Lord, the woman is a train wreck. It's like crazy, hateful, and ignorant are battling for dominance inside her head. She makes Sarah Palin look like a statesman.
In any kind of rational political system, she'd be one of those raggedy people standing on street corners ranting about the Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations.
In the GOP, she's a rising star. I'll be surprised if they don't start touting her as a Presidential candidate soon. She's already mastered one of the more reprehensible and dishonest wingnut rhetorical devices: "I'm not really making an accusation, but.." while doing exactly that.
Here, let me try my hand at it: "Prostitution in Congresswoman Bachmann's district has gone up 30% since she's been elected*. I'm not saying that she's a madam or otherwise involved in the management of the sex trade, but it's an interesting coincidence. It raises questions."
You know, that's kind of fun.
*not an actual fact, but neither was Bachmann's observation.
It should be pointed out that the last Swine Flu epidemic broke in 1976, during Gerald Ford's administration.
Ford, as Bachman may recall, was a Republican.
No arguments here, JD ... this broad is nuts.
I have to point out an important journalistic oversight in your coverage -- you haven't told us where "Crazytown" is. In other words, what district does she represent?
This is an important news point, vital to "pointing and laughing" . . .
Bachmann is from Minnesota's 6th District.
I just had a horrid - "Palin/Bachmann 2012". I almost need a drink just thinking about it, and I don't drink.
Hilarious. Thanks, Dusty.
Here, let me try my hand at it: "Prostitution in Congresswoman Bachmann's district has gone up 30% since she's been elected*. I'm not saying that she's a madam or otherwise involved in the management of the sex trade, but it's an interesting coincidence. It raises questions."You can also Googl... er, Microsoft Live Search "the Cavuto Mark" and see Jon Stewart's excellent analysis of a similar issue.
David: I'm guessing that you're at least nominally a Republican? Because Palin/Bachmann 2012 would be my idea of a Democrats' wet dream; they could even put up Al Gore again, and he'd win this time!
Oh please, don't throw me in that briar patch!
I've said it once, and I'll say it again.
A purge of a GOP is a wonderful idea. They should kick out all the hardliners.
What's really scary is how good JD is at this.
Sometimes I even scare myself.
Rhoades for President
As bad as this whack job is (and she's certifiable) ... it's not quite as bad as what some Senate Dems did the other day to 8 activitists looking to join the discussion (to promote) single payer health benefits.
"The eight activists demanded that single payer - everybody in, nobody out, free choice of doctor and hospital - be put on the table.
And as a result they were arrested."
Just to keep things honest ...
Celine: David: I'm guessing that you're at least nominally a Republican?
Not even close.
Running against a Palin/Bachmann ticket should be like shooting fish in a barrel, or even watching the fish shoot themselves, and then having a fish fry. That's not what'd scare me about such a ticket. That a large number of folks would vote for it, and even be enthusiastic about it - that scares me.
I admit that I want to see a Palin/Bachmann ticket, just to see the size of the crater. The closest analogy I can think of is the recent episode of Mythbusters where they rammed a car with a rocket sled.
She should be the first inductee into the Wingnut Hall of Fame. She's nuttier than Ann Coulter. That's severe. I can't even read her remarks or watch her speak.
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