Friday, April 01, 2011

Ooooooohhh, SNAP!!!

ThinkProgress » Rand Paul Mocks Newt Gingrich: ‘He Has More War Positions Than He Has Wives’

PAUL: I was happy to see that Newt Gingrich has staked out a position on the war, a position, or two, or maybe three. I don’t know. I think he has more war positions than he’s had wives. [...]

There’s a big debate over there. Fox News can’t decide, what do they love more, bombing the Middle East or bashing the president? It’s like I was over there and there was an anchor going, they were pleading, can’t we do both? Can’t we bomb the Middle East and bash the president at the same time? How are we going to make this work?

Is it a sign of the Apocalypse that I'm agreeing with Rand Paul? It's the same feeling of disorientation I had when I heard someone on talk radio talking about how terrorism was the result of our meddling in Middle Eastern politics, nodding in agreement, and realizing with a start that I was listening to Pat Buchanan.

Strange days indeed....


Rae said...

Ya know, I saw Paul on The Daily Show a few days ago, and was impressed with the intelligence level of the conversation. And the good manners. Not that I agree with him on much of anything, but I'm a huge fan of civil discourse....

Celine said...

This doesn't surprise me. They think they've beaten us once and for all, so now they're starting to turn on each other.

JD Rhoades said...

They have to have an enemy.

Pogonip said...

So they're giving us a choice. Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney..... who beat us? This is a choice??