Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Outfit

The gang-blog of Chicago writers known as The Outfit is one of my can't-miss stops in my jogs around the blogosphere, and it ought to be one of yours too, if it's not already. I mean, c'mon, where else are you going to get the latest musings by writers as talented as Sean Chercover, Barbara D'Amato, Michael Allen Dymmoch, Kevin Guilfoile, Libby Hellmann, Sara Paretsky, and Marcus Sakey?

In this recent entry, Sean has some very kind things to say about your Humble Blogger in the course of a meditation on the judicious use of detail. Thank you, Sean, from the bottom of my heart. Sean's pretty amazing himself. His first novel BIG CITY, BAD BLOOD, knocked me out and it'll do the same for you.

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