"Firefly' Actor Adam Baldwin (adamsbaldwin) on Twitter, referring to Haiti relief efforts:

Exit Q: how much of O's own $cash$ did O 'sacrifice'/send?
I've heard some stupid shit lately from conservatives, but this has to be in the top 5.
Gee, Adam, I dunno. How much of Dubbya's own pocket money did he send to Katrina victims? How much did Clinton send to victims of the Oklahoma City bombing?
Jesus H. Christ. Are conservatives really so desperate for something to slam Obama with that they're reduced to THIS? I guess playing a thuggish, moronic asshole on FIREFLY wasn't that much of an acting stretch.
There's a reason he plays the same character over and over. He's not acting. He just photographs well.
Of course, if he were to say that he'd sent $XXX of his own money, the Far Wrong would lambast him for being self-aggrandizing.
Conservatives are almost claiming that things like this are best handled privately-- outside of government-but I guess they what they really mean is by government employees. I wonder what Rush is coughing up privately.
Yeah, Adam Baldwin is one guy I wish I'd never followed on Twitter. It was a hell of a lot easier to like him before I found out he was a fucking nut.
Damn! Another person I thought was better than they really are. Of course, the characters he plays have been mosty unpleasant, nay, nasty pricks. Tom has a point - he's not acting. And it'll be hard to not see the gloss of prickness, so the photographs have lost any appeal too. Oh, well, we live and learn - at least some of us.
I'm also so glad that my favorite fanvid from Firefly/Serenity has lass than a 1/2 second shot of him in it. (Just my little geek readjusting that show in my head - don't mind me.)
Rhoades, you should not be messing around with Animal Mother.
Well it looks like Adam has an answer: $15,000. Now I guess the complaint will be that the Obamas could have given more.
Like the other folks have said, it saddens me to see that he's an idiot.
BTW I'm a long time reader but first time commenter.
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