From the Letters Section of My Hometown Paper: ThePilot.com :
During the election you could not breathe Barack Obama's middle name Hussein without being accused by left-wing critics and their friends in the equally left-wing media, including The Pilot, of being an anti-Muslim, racist, right-wing kook pandering to the Christian religious right's obvious bigotry.
Ah! But Obama has delivered on his promise of change. Now we find that at his swearing-in as president, Obama insists in being sworn in with his full name Barack Hussein Obama so as to ingratiate himself to all the Muslims of the world. Take that, you right-wing religious bigots.
So now what? Expect the same left-wing critics and darlings of the press that railed against the use of the name Hussein before the election to extol its use now as another sign of President-Elect Obama's gift for reconciliation and statesmanship for identifying with all those folks who before the election were thought of as a liability. Another example of "change you can believe in."
Sounds like just another Chicago pol on the make to me. As phony as the proverbial $3 bill.
Bernadine Olsen
Foxfire Village
Got that? Barack Obama is "just another Chicago pol" and a phony because he wants to be sworn in using his actual name, one he has never once tried to hide.
This is the type of person I put up with every day.
I think the right-wing nut-jobs are putting in some overtime. Once Obama is in office, they will have to contend with a successful, organized President.
Quite a change from the last 8 years, thank goodness.
And, of course, incoming Presidents never, ever use their full names when being sworn in.
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